今回は,「The Method of Analysis in Psychosystematics(pp85-105)」を読みました。
2018/01/21 #08 The Substantive: A System of Subsystems(pp106-119)
2019/02/04 #09 The Substantive and the System of the Parts of Speech(pp120-139)
2019/02/04 #10 Some and Any(pp140-154)
2019/02/00 #11 The System of the Verb(pp155-173)
2019/02/00 #11 Auxiliaries: How Do They Help?(pp174-188)
2019/02/00 #11 The Proof of the Pudding(pp189-200)
2019/02/00 #11 The Noun Phrase(pp201-212)
2019/03/00 #12 Concord, Discord, and the Incidence of Verb to Subject(pp213-224)
2019/03/00 #12 Thought and Language(pp225-236)
2019/03/00 #12 Conclusion(pp237-242)